Online Preschool FREE!
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And Go Straight To My FREE
Online Preschool Curriculum?
And You'll Have Immediate
24/7 Access
To Over 70 Of My Most Popular
Online Preschool Lessons

Are you the parent of a preschooler who is searching for an affordable and effective online preschool program? Why spend money on expensive options when your child can learn preschool online absolutely free with me and my friend Ollie the Crow!
Creative Kids Virtual Preschool
Was Highlighted In
The Free Lance-Star
Meet Online Preschool
Denise Shields
Hi My Name Is Denise And I’ve Been Teaching Preschoolers Out Of My Home Right Here In Fredericksburg Virginia For The Past 14 Years. What An Honor And Privilege It Has Been To Teach And Prepare Hundreds Of Young Boys And Girls For Their Next Journey To Kindergarten & Beyond!
In The Spring Of 2020, Like Most Schools Nationwide, I Had To Abruptly Shut Down My Preschool Because Of COVID-19. It Was Devastating At First, Creative Kids Preschool Is My Life, My Passion, I Love My Preschoolers!
However To Save The 2020 School Year I Quickly Developed A Solid Online Preschool Program, Which I Would Go On To Share With Thousands of Preschool Families Affected By The Pandemic. I Decided Not To Charge For My Online Preschool Learning Program, It Was Free - No Charges And No Fees!
Since Then I Have Been Overwhelmed By The Positive Response To My Free Virtual Preschool Lessons. It Warms My Heart To See So Many Young Boys And Girls Learning And Enjoying Themselves Using My Theme Based Virtual Preschool Lessons.
Which Brings Me To
The Present Time
And Your Family!
I Wanted To Let You Know That Despite The Fact That The Pandemic Here In The U.S. may be over, I've Decided To Continue To Share My Virtual Preschool Program, Absolutely FREE with families everywhere!
These Are Some Of My Best
Online Preschool Lessons!
Over 70 Full Length Core Lessons And Mini Lessons That Include Super Fun Educational Games, Awesome Activities, Downloadable Worksheets,
and My Personal Favorite, Lots Of Virtual Preschool Story Time Segments Using Today's Most Popular Children's Books!
This Is A Complete Quarterly Online Preschool Learning Curriculum that allows your child to learn at their own pace, tailored to their own personal interests!
Your Child Will Learn All About
These Popular Preschool Themes...

As You Can See My Virtual Preschool Lessons Are Theme Based. There Are 40 CORE Video Lessons And Each Core Lesson Is About 30 Minutes Long
Plus There's An Additional 35 Online Preschool Learning Videos
Featuring Mini Lessons, Fun Hands-On Projects,
And "Story Time" Segments!
That’s A Total Of 75 Free
Online Preschool
Lessons And Activities
Available For Your Child To Enjoy Right Now
24/7 At Your Convenience!
I Know That You And Your Child Will Absolutely Love Learning Preschool Online With Me And My Puppet Friend, Ollie The Crow. All I Ask Is That You Please “Spread The Good Word” And Share Your Child's Virtual Preschool Experience With Your Friends & Neighbors.
To Signup Just Click On The Word FREE Below. Then Fill In Your Name And Email Address. That's It, You're Good To Go!
You'll Have Full Immediate Access To My Entire Quarterly Online Preschool Learning Program, Over 70 Free Virtual Preschool Lessons In All!
Ollie And I Can't Wait For You To Join Us On This Preschool Online Learning Adventure, We Are Having So Much Fun!
Love, Denise
P.S. After You Sign Up You'll Receive An Immediate Confirmation Email From Me. Be Sure To Check Your Spam Folder!

"You have somehow managed to convey the special relationship preschool teachers have with their students without ever meeting my son in person. He 100% loves and respects you! From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!"
Virtual Preschool Program UPDATE
22,247 Parents have now signed up
their Kids for my free online preschool program!

About Denise
Denise Shields is a licensed preschool teacher from Fredericksburg, Virginia. She has worked with preschool children for 28 years, with 14 years as a preschool teacher.
She is the owner and founder of both her traditional in-person preschool "Creative Kids Preschool" in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the nationwide free virtual preschool program called Creative Kids Virtual Preschool, which helped thousands of families educate their young preschoolers online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here Are A Few Highlights
From My Online Preschool Program!

CORA Graduates from Creative Kids Virtual Preschool!
Camille Buchanan
I just wanted to give a huge Thank you to Ms. Denise for helping us get CORA ready for Kindergarten we had a great time with you and Ollie last year and in the morning our big girl CORA starts her journey into public school. We'll never forget you #classof2036

Shay Raymond Judge
RYLEE completed her Fall online preschool lessons. Now on to Winter. Getting things ready for Arctic Animals tomorrow.

"ARI has enjoyed Ms. Denise and Ollie so much. Also AIZLYNN 18 months loves watching too and AIDEN wants to do all the online preschool projects when he gets home from Kindergarten everyday!" Susie Moore

Rachel Justice
MOSES (4.5) made his family today! He has twin sisters who are 3.5, and 3 dogs. They all love doing online preschool with you! So glad we found you a couple of years ago.

Celely Martinelli
This is my ASHTON. He turns 4 in December, because of this, his preschool he was attending the past 3 months told him he no longer can because he wasn't 4 in time. So I scrambled to find something that would keep him engaged. After I found the free online preschool classes you offer I was so thankful. So much stress left me. Ashton loves all things farms, so he was super excited for the first week of virtual preschool class this week. He talks to you as if you can hear his every word. Thank you so much for giving us this amazing free curriculum. He loves the printable work sheets as well!

Sarah-Jane Bolling Josef
Going back through and doing your online preschool lessons we missed because #life . CHARLOTTE was excited to go pick out some leaves to give some funny....and sad....and happy faces!

Heather Kenny Pierson
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing such an incredible virtual Preschool program with us! We started on another online preschool curriculum in August to begin our homeschooling journey, and though it's not bad, it doesn't use themes to teach with. Personally, I'm a theme based teacher myself, especially with Preschool age, so I was super excited to find you! It was an added bonus to see how wonderful of a teacher you are!! My son already LOVES you!!

Jennie Cabarloc
This is HAILEY"S first week of virtual preschool with you. She has enjoyed every moment of it. We started with the colors theme. I love that she responds to your videos and is engaged.

Angie Sands
ISAAC loved learning the alphabet and putting letters together to make a word!

Stephanie Cortissos-Cortissos
GABY doing some of her online preschool projects so far, and her sister joins in sometimes too! Respectively weeks; community helpers, pets, dinosaurs. We love virtual preschool so much! It has been amazing!

Alyssa Brooke
We really enjoy the newsletter activities and snack ideas, as well as all the fun crafts! Thank you so much Ms. Denise for these online preschool lessons!

Leah Moore
My son RYAN has been home with my oldest son and I for over a year during this pandemic. I have been searching for months for something to keep him learning preschool online and this is the best one I found! Thank you so much for all you are doing. Having these wonderful and fun virtual preschool lessons is amazing and we are thankful to you!

Katie Heuer
Thank you thank you thank you Ms. Denise for this year! We have loved every virtual preschool lesson and we appreciate all of the hard work, time and love you put into each lesson. You really made learning from home this year so much fun and we will always remember you!
Ann Belsito Butcher
Thank you Ms. Denise! You made my son's preschool year at home so enjoyable. We love your online preschool lessons and you have become the best part of his day! Thanks for all you do!
My daughter absolutely loves every single online preschool class! She wakes up every morning saying “yesss!! Is time for school” I would never thought I would have a kid that could say those words lol she is almost three and enjoys the activities and all the show specially Ollie ! Thank you so much for these videos
I was so upset when we decided not to send my daughter to traditional pre-k this year. I wanted to try a virtual program but had no luck. I purchased several online preschool programs and printed numerous print outs to try to put my own “home schooling” curriculum together. I never felt like it was enough.
Then I came across Creative Kids Virtual Preschool on a Instagram ad and I was very interested! I saw it was free and figured i would give it a try. GAME CHANGER! Not only does my four year love it but my 2 year old is engaged as well. During times like this- it was so refreshing to find something that felt normal. We feel like this has been an answer to a prayer I didn't know I had.
I was already a homeschooler before the pandemic, so even though we weren't as social as we were used to being, I felt like I at least had the school thing under control. It was my youngest's turn to start preschool this year, and I was excited! But she was not... I just couldn't work out the best way to juggle her and her older sister, and it was kind of killing the joy for my four.
One day somebody posted Denise's virtual preschool on our co-op's Facebook page, and on a whim I signed up for the free sessions. OH MY WORD. It was the best thing that happened for preschool all year! When it reads on there "Where kids ASK to do school" this is literally true.
My four watched the first thirty minute video that morning, I just turned it on to keep her occupied. I didn't really expect her to even watch the whole thing, I was sure she wouldn't stay interested without me there watching with her. But she watched the whole thing by herself! And then after lunch asked if she could watch more!
That night, I turned on Denise's first farm video, just to see what my four was so enthralled with. And at the end realized that there was a little craft activity! So I put together the supplies for it and had it ready the next morning. I wish I had a picture of my four's face when she saw that SHE got to make her own real life farm just like Ms. Denise did!
Now every day we turn on a video, and I have the craft set out for her to do when she's done, and it's like magic sparkles have rained on our school days. Sometimes Ms. Denise's online preschool classes are a reward for my first grader if she gets all her work done! I can't believe it. I cannot thank you enough! *virtual hug!*
Brandy Gladson
We are in our last few days of the free virtual preschool curriculum and Miss AMELIE has had a blast! Thank you! Although we haven't had a chance to do all the projects, "Ms. Denise" is on her "can we do this during school" request list five days a week! Her older brother is obsessed with dinosaurs so they decided to watch those lessons together. Now he wants to go back to Preschool! Thank you for the fun videos, projects, extras, and work to help us get through the pandemic!
If You Want, You Can Check Out Hundreds More Reviews & Testimonials For My Virtual Preschool HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
Click The FREE Button Below To Receive The Best Virtual Preschool Program You Will Find Anywhere Online
No Cost, Immediate Access!

Reward Your Child For Their Progress And Achievements!
This Certificate of Completion
When They Finish
Their Online Preschool Lessons!