Online Preschool
SummerTime Fun With Denise & Ollie!

Here Are A Few
Summer Camp Highlights!
During Summer Camp we will be learning all about SummerTime Fun...
At The ZOO
Each online preschool Core Lesson includes...
Teaching Time
A Fun Learning Game
Interactive Songs & Rhymes
Story Book Segment
An Awesome Project!
Expand upon each lesson theme by using my downloadable Daily Newsletters!
You'll Also Get (8) Video Mini Lessons
A FUN Coloring Booklet For Each of The Six Core Lesson Themes!
My Summer Camp
Online Preschool Lessons
Are Now Part Of My
Online Preschool Curriculum
Featuring Over
Educational Video Lessons
for your young student to enjoy!

"Cameron LOVED his 1st online preschool lessons with Denise & Ollie with the Summer Camp!! We love our zoos and visit them frequently!! Cameron helped pick out the pics and wanted to make sure Ms. Denise and Ollie saw the recent video of us feeding the giraffes at the zoo!! He thought Ollie would think its really cool that he got to feed a giraffe!! Thank you for doing the virtual preschool summer lessons Ms. Denise!!" Amber Steiner

"My son never wanted to have English lessons until he discovered you. Now he wants to see you every week and enjoys the books and songs and projects. We have just bought the online preschool Summer Camp and are super excited to start enjoying it!! Thanks a lot, Denise!"
Cris Anariel

Preschool Online Learning Summer Camp Lessons At Creative Kids Virtual Preschool! Lori DaSilva writes "Goodbye Spring and hello Summer! My son Evan enjoyed the summer camp lessons with Ms. Denise this week. His favorite project was the lemonade and he especially enjoyed pretending to drink it."
I'm so glad you enjoyed your summer lessons, Evan! Great job on all your awesome projects!