
Mini Lessons are short online preschool lessons,
5-10 minutes in length, where I teach your kids about things like shapes, numbers, letters & more.
I like to think of my mini lessons as bursts of fun learning! They are perfect for busy on-the-go preschool moms and dads!
As an Extra Bonus I've included additional hands-on crafts on this page that you will not find in your core lessons. My kids love these fun crafts & projects, and so do I!
Extra Projects

"Fun preschool online learning with time with Ms. Denise and Ollie. They love their crafts time, too!" Richell Chiu-Yap

"One of the many online preschool projects we have done. We are loving the classes and projects. Thank you so much!" Shay Raymond Judge

"When you go on vacation but still need to do your projects for virtual preschool. Ha ha he had so much fun!" Cecely Martinelli

"We had fun with weather and senses this virtual preschool week. RAFI is excited to share his Mr. Sun puppet! Thank you again Miss Denise!" Taby Traughber

"GABY doing her "touch" project from the SENSES virtual preschool lessons! I am also struggling to find places to hang up most of the projects and additional art. I like it when GABY is so happy and proud when we hang up the projects! Stephanie Cortissos-Cortissos